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Rhodiola Rosea

Rhodiola Rosea, also known as "golden root", is a member of the family Crassulaeae, plants indigenous to the polar arctic regions of eastern Siberia. As a powerful adaptogen rhodiola offers broad non-specific effects supporting overall body function particularly via adrenal stress.


250mg one to three times daily. Best taken away from food.

Potential applications

Stress, adrenal support, fatigue, sports performance, depression, cardiovascular maintenance, colds and infections, cellular health, learning and memory, blood sugar control, amenorrhea, male/female sexual dysfunction, adjunct treatment with chemotherapy, liver protection, antioxidant, protection against gum disease, improving auditory function.

Known contraindications

Although rare, certain individuals who experience nervous excitability, feverish states, and hypertension, should not use rhodiola unless supervised by a qualified practitioner. Persons who experience coronary spasm and fluctuations in arterial pressure should also use under supervision. Not recommended for use during pregnancy and lactation.


None known.

Use in conjunction with

Multi-vitamins, B complex, vitamin B5, EFAs, echinacea, licorice, hawthorn, Co Q10, ginkgo, l-arginine/l-ornithine, antioxidant, grape seed/pycnogenol.

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