- ANTI-VIRAL - The administration of lysine has shown to reduce the severity of cold sore attacks and accelerate the healing time in herpes infections.
- CARDIOVASCULAR SUPPORT - Lysine is the precursor to the amino acid Carnitine, which provides cardiovascular benefits. Lysine has also been shown to support artery wall healing and strengthening.
- LEAD DETOXIFICATION - Lysine has demonstrated the ability to bind with lead and help excrete it from the body.
- COLLAGEN FORMATION - Lysine along with the nutrients, iron and vitamin C, are required for collagen synthesis.
500mg-3000mg daily.
Potential applications
Cold sores, shingles, genital herpes, cranial nerve syndromes, atherosclerosis, lead toxicity, skin health.
Known contraindications
None known.
Use in conjunction with
Lysine's anti-viral qualities may be further enhanced when used with vitamin C and or immune stimulating herbs such as echinacea.
Take away from protein for maximum effect, ideally 30-60 minutes before or after a meal.
© Cheryl Thallon at Viridian
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