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Balanced Iron Complex


Iron plays a key role in the production of haemoglobin within our red blood cells (RBC), where it is required for oxygen transportation from the lungs to the body's tissues and the carbon dioxide transportation from the tissues to the lungs. Iron is also required for the synthesis of key enzymes in energy production and metabolism, including DNA synthesis.

Iron Bisglycinate is a gentle, non-constipating, chelated iron supplement that has been shown to be four times more bioavailable than the commonly prescribed ferrous sulfate. Additionally, iron bisglycinate does not irritate the gastrointestinal system and is non-constipating. Research has shown that iron bisglycinate has superior absorption and bioavailability and has been successfully used to treat difficult cases of anemia. The iron bisglycinate molecule is believed to be absorbed intact in a manner similar to amino acid absorption. This unique iron source allows for the use of less iron in a supplement owing to its excellent bioavailability. Supplementing with a lower dose of iron means fewer side effects and a reduced level of interactions with other minerals and nutrients.

You may also want to consult with your doctor about a carbonyl iron supplement, which can have fewer side effects than other sources of iron. Carbonyl iron is naturally regulated by the body, providing for a more gradual absorption. Many people find that it is a well-tolerated, milder alternative to other forms of iron.

Folic Acid

Folic acid functions together with vitamin B12 in maintaining healthy cell division and DNA synthesis.

Vitamin B12

Vitamin C


Maintenance dose - 15mg. In cases of deficiency and anaemia higher levels are recommended - up to 100mg daily. For individuals sensitive to ferrous sulphate divide the dose by 4 to reach iron bisglycinate daily amount. Regular assessment with a physician is recommended to avoid toxicity.

Potential applications

Conditions and populations associated with increased need for intake due to iron losses or impaired absorption are haemorrhage, protein calorie malnutrition, renal disease, achlorhydria, prolonged use of antacids, decreased GI transit time, steatorrhea, and parasites.

Known contraindications

Elevated levels of iron may lead to an increased risk of heart disease due to the pro-oxidative effect of free iron in the blood damaging cholesterol or the artery wall itself. Antioxidants such as vitamins C and E protect against iron-induced oxidative damage. Avoid in cases of haemachromatosis.


Ascorbic acid (Vit C) can form a chelate with iron to aid its absorption. Vitamin C is also required for the release of iron from stores. Excessive intake of non-haem iron may have a detrimental effect on zinc absorption. Iron appears to accumulate in the liver and spleen with vitamin A deficiency, resulting in iron deficiency. Iron and LEAD also interact. Lead inhibits the activity of an enzyme required in haem synthesis. Additionally, increased lead absorption occurs with iron deficiency, especially in children.

Use in conjunction with

  • Anaemia - Ester-C, green food blend, EFAs, multi-vitamin/mineral, dong quai, magnesium and B6.


The term haemochromatosis is used to indicate a genetic condition of iron overload or toxicity, which is coupled with tissue damage.

© Cheryl Thallon at Viridian

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