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Zingiber officinale

Ginger is a perennial plant that grows in India, China, Mexico, and several other countries. The rhizome (underground stem) is used as both a spice and in herbal medicine. Traditional Chinese Medicine has recommended ginger for over 2,500 years and has been used for abdominal bloating, coughing, vomiting, diarrhea, and rheumatism. Ginger is commonly used in the Ayurvedic system of medicine for the treatment of inflammatory joint diseases, such as arthritis and rheumatism.


400mg one to three times daily. Higher doses may be required for inflammatory conditions. No restriction on long term use.

Potential applications

Treatment of peptic ulceration; inflammatory conditions; treatment and prophylaxis of nausea; migraine; anti-platelet; as an adjunct in the treatment of arthritis; to aid digestion; improve circulation; and counter infection.

Known contraindications

Avoid in cases of peptic ulceration or other gastric disease. Ginger is contraindicated in patients with gallstones, unless under supervision.


Not recommended for use by those taking anti-platelet or anti-coagulant medications such as warfarin or aspirin.

Use in conjunction with

  • Nausea - probiotics, Oregon-grape root, garlic


Zingerone (like capsaicin from chilies and piperine from pepper) increases circulation and has a warming effect - known as 'thermogenesis'.


© Cheryl Thallon at Viridian

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