Champagne Rhubarb Smoothie

A delicious breakfast drink made in minutes. Some cooking skills are needed for the preparation.
Did you know?
The first champagne rhubarb (sometimes called red rhubarb) is grown in the dark. This totally organic technique is called ‘forcing’ rhubarb. It makes the plants grow faster as they try to find the light.
What to find:
400g champagne rhubarb
Juice and rind of one small orange
One tablespoon runny honey (or more to taste)
One tablespoon porridge oats
Two tablespoons set yogurt
100ml whole milk
Kitchen stuff:
Chopping board
Box grater
Manual juice squeezer
Measuring jug
Food processor / liquidiser
What to do:
1. Wash the rhubarb and put the clean rhubarb onto a chopping board.
2. Use a table knife to chop off the rhubarb ends and then cut the trimmed sticks in half. Chop the sticks into 1-2cm pieces and put them into a small pan.
3. Scrub the orange and grate the rind; turn the fruit around as you grate. Be careful not to grate the pith (white) and to keep your fingers safe. Put the rind into the saucepan.
4. Cut the orange in half and twist each half around a squeezer to get the juice out. Add the juice to the pan.
5. Measure the honey into the saucepan and then cover with a lid. Cook over a low heat for 5-8 minutes until the rhubarb is soft. Allow it to cool completely.
6. Put the cooled pink rhubarb, oats, yogurt and milk into a food processor.
7. Younger children will need a Grown-up to help to use a food processor or liquidiser. Make sure that the lid is on properly and that you have dry hands. Whizz until the rhubarb is smooth.
8. Taste and add a little more runny honey if you need to – you shouldn’t!
• Equal rhubarb lengths means equal cooking time.
• For a really cool smoothie add a few ice cubes but be careful as you blitz them (use the pulse button)
• For a thinner smoothie add more milk.
Recipe by Fi Bird ©stirrinstuff
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