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Mozzarella Salad in a Pepper Bowl

Serves 4



  1. Cut the peppers in half and remove the seeds from the inside. Carefully break off the outer stem if there is one, being carefully not to make a hole. Don’t worry if you do, simply cut a piece of cucumber to fit the pepper base and fill the hole.
  2. Trim the bases if they are not flat. You now have four salad bowls to fill. Wash them well and turn them upside down to drain.
  3. Wash the cucumber, cut it into five slices and then finely chop the slices. Chop the radish. Put the diced cucumber and radish into a large mixing bowl.
  4. Wash the lettuce leaves and roll them up like a Swiss-roll. Use a blunt knife to cut the lettuce into small pieces, then put the shredded lettuce into the bowl with the cucumber. Younger children might prefer to tear the lettuce into tiny pieces.
  5. Wash the spring onion and cut off the root. Use scissors to snip the green top into small pieces, carrying on as far down the onion stem as you can manage to. Finish chopping the onion, with a blunt knife. Add the snipped onion to the other prepared ingredients.
  6. Cut the mozzarella into small pieces and add it to the bowl.
  7. Add the toasted oatmeal, toss well and season with freshly ground pepper.
  8. Add the lemon juice and olive oil to the salad and mix well.
  9. Divide the salad between the four pepper bowls and put half a tomato on top of each bowl. Give the cress a haircut with your scissors and scatter the cress onto the salad bowls.

Enjoy eating your crunchy salad bowl as well as its contents.

N.B. Salad ingredients are optional – add or subtract ingredients to suit your taste! Just chop everything into small pieces to fit into the pepper bowls.

Notes for Adventurous Cooks


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