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Ecstatic Beings


Kate Magic Wood and Shazzie are two of the world’s leading raw food advocates. Take a look at some of Kate’s raw food recipes here at OrganicFoodee.

Both Kate and Shazzie live in the UK, and both of them have had five books published about raw food. If they were non-raw food authors, you would say they are rivals, but because their life purpose is truly spreading good vibes and raw food positivity, they would say they’re soul mates.

Ecstatic Beings is the first book the two friends have written together, and it’s superfun while being superdeep. As you might expect, there are some great raw food recipes, but more than that, the book contains simple yet profound kitchen wisdom integrated with poetry wrapped in a funky disco graphic style that’s a big glitter ball with unicorns. It’s serious wisdom that’s so serious it knows the highest spiritual truths are bright light and happiness.

Check out this video of the authors talking about their book. It’s well worth buying for yourself, and would make a great gift for the holidays for the people you love who love raw food and happiness.

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