Bathing Beauties

Ten Top Natural Beauty Products
by Ysanne Spevack
The global beauty industry is dominated by brands like L’Oreal, Nivea, Wella, Avon and Procter & Gamble. Together, the worldwide market is worth about £110 billion ($160 billion). To give this huge sum of money perspective, we spend more on beauty in the west than we do on education. Which sounds stupid, but is possibly perplexingly clever as both attractive men and women have been found in studies to earn more than their less attractive counterparts.
That said, certainly doesn’t recommend rushing to the bathroom just yet… Let’s explore what the big guys are selling us. Just look at the ingredients lists on their products and decide if you’re happy with them. Sodium laureth sulphate, sodium lauryl sulphate, para-phenylene-diamines, phthalates, parabens and even formaldehyde are almost certainly lurking in your cupboard.
So why bother going green in the bathroom? Quite simply, up to half the beauty products you put on your skin end up inside your body! Except the gunk you put on your hair with all the B vitamins, which just sit there and do nothing.
So what are we to do? On the one hand, the beautiful people get more fun. On the other hand, they get the chemicals. Well, we recommend changing your definition of beauty. Think of beauty as feeling healthy, happy and empowered, because when you feel that way, you can’t help but look gorgeous!
Here are some highly effective, modern and simply gorgeous natural beauty products that really deliver the performance you want without any of the nasties. Just remember to think happy thoughts while you’re using them, washing away your worries and woes, and smoothing on inner calm and loveliness…
1. Spiezia Organic Cleansing Cream
Meltingly rich cream made by Cornish based 100% organic Soil Association certified company. It’s a dream product containing calendula, chamomile, sage and eucalyptus to cleanse the city out of your skin. Heavenly. Also check out their Night Cream and Night Time Extra.
2. Green People Rosemary and Pink Clay Shower Gel
Give it a good shake! Then squeeze a tiny amount onto a skin brush and be amazed at the richness of those suds! Fantastic product for problem skin, it will leave you with the smoothest and softest skin you’ve had since you were a baby. Also check out their SPF8 Edelweiss and Aloe Vera Sun Lotion.
3. Weleda Iris Intensive Treatment Masque
All Weleda products contain organic and biodynamic herbal extracts. This super-rich oil-free gel refreshes tired skin and gives you a lift. Pleasant geranium smell, and very eco-friendly packaging, too, Leaves your skin feeling more flexible, especially when proceeded by Iris Cleanser and Toner, and followed by Iris Moisture Cream, Day Cream or Night Cream. Gorgeous!
4. Kiss My Face Rough Thyme Gentle Exfoliant
Designed as a gentle shower gel, I also use it as a monthly face wash. It’s exotic mixture of cinnamon, clove, thyme and bergamot leaves you zinging, ready for the world to kiss your face. Also check out their Chinese Botanical Moisturiser.
5. REN Quinoa and Camellia Moisturiser
This stuff’s the business. Packed with exotic naturally functional ingredients, REN products are all pretty fab. The packaging looks really great, too, although it’s a bit heavy on the plastic to be fully green. This moisturiser is rich enough to offer protection but light enough to be absorbed.
6. Organic Blue Sensual Bath and Massage Oil
A rich and pungent blend of oils including patchouli and ylang-ylang. Nice blue glass bottle, plus we like the bits of tagged-on philosophy to ponder whilst bathing. Also available are shampoos, shower gels, a range of supplements and vapour blends.
7. Circaroma Geranium, Frankincense and Lavender Hand and Foot Balm
Packed with essential and organic oils, this cream is heavy duty therapy for your very driest bits. Gardener’s thumb be gone! And sort out those dodgy heels with this think and oily paste.
8. Origins A Perfect World
This is a delicious product that makes you feel nice. Full of silver tip white tea, boswelia and walnut extracts, this pre-moisturising lotion really does naturally smooth away tiny lines and blemishes. Origins is owned by Estee Lauder, possibly showing a brighter future direction for the big boys.
9. Optima Healthcare AloeDent Aloe Vera Toothpaste
So much better tasting than both synthetic toothpastes and many natural non-mint ones, this is gourmet peppermint toothpaste! Also packed with natural tooth and gum care ingredients like echinacea, tea tree oil, vitamin K and horse chestnut. Go get some from your health food store.
10. Jason Natural Cosmetics Tea Tree Oil Hair and Scalp Therapy Shampoo
This rich and soothing shampoo contains nettle, rosemary, witch hazel, mallow, calendula and comfrey as well as that all-important tea tree oil. Great for irritated scalps, just as good at transforming dry or damaged hair into luxuriant locks. Also look out for their Swimmer’s and Sports Shampoo, plus Tea Tree Deodorant.
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