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Licorice Root

Glycyrrhiza Glabra

Licorice is one of the most extensively used and scientifically investigated herbal medicines. The medicinal use of licorice in both eastern and western cultures dates back several thousand years. Used primarily as a demulcent, expectorant, antitussive and mild laxative. Licorice is one of the most popular components of Chinese medicine. Its traditional uses include the treatment of peptic ulcers, asthma, pharyngitis, malaria, abdominal pain, insomnia and infections.


250-500mg 2-3 times daily. The Commission E advises that licorice should not be taken for longer than 6-8 weeks. Dosage is usually based on its glycyrrhetinic acid level.

Potential applications

Colds and viruses - Licorice has long been used to treat common cold symptoms and is effective against a number of viruses particularly cold sores and genital herpes. Pre-menstrual syndrome - Symptoms of pre-menstrual tension, depression, cravings, weight gain, breast tenderness has been attributed to an increase in the oestrogen to progesterone ratio. Both glycyrrhizin and glycyrhetinic acid possess anti-oestrogenic properties and suppress the breakdown of progesterone. Addison's disease - licorice exerts an 'aldosterone-like' effect that is useful in treating Addison's disease ( a severe disease of adrenal insufficiency). Licorice in combination with glycine and cysteine have demonstrated impressive results in treating chronic hepatitis B, one of the most difficult of infections for the body to deal with. Licorice would appear a suitable remedy in dealing with candida particularly in cases where there is a chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) 'picture'. The anti-microbial effects combined to the adrenal supportive properties could make this appropriate in certain cases.

Known contraindications

The chronic ingestion of licorice in large doses leads to a well-documented 'aldosterone-like' syndrome, presenting symptoms of high blood pressure, loss of sodium and potassium and water retention. Ingestion of licorice, (more than 3 grams per day for more than 6 weeks) or gycyrrhizin (more than 100mgs per day) may cause sodium and water retention, hypertension, hypokaemia and suppression of the rennin-aldosterone system. Monitoring of blood pressure and electrolytes and increasing dietary potassium intake are suggested. Adverse effects are rarely observed at levels below 400mg per day. Eating high potassium, low sodium diet normally prevents the side effects of glycyrrhizin. Not recommended in hypertensive patients unless under physician supervision.


Licorice should probably not be used by patients who are currently using digitalis preparations. Avoid using licorice alongside Furosemide / Thiazide diuretics.

Use in conjunction with

Licorice can be used in combination with various nutrients and in various conditions. Can be used with B5 (pantothenic acid), vitamin C and rhodiola to help support adrenal gland function and to help the adrenals to increase its cortisol production. In elevated oestrogen related conditions, it may be helpful to use licorice alongside the herb dong quai. The action of this herb to regulate oestrogen and the action of licorice to detoxify xeno-oestrogens could be a useful combination. Used with antioxidants or immune stimulatory herbs, such as echinacea, licorice may give added support to the immune system. Can be used alongside nutrients recommended in a candida albicans programme. Licorice, because of its anti-microbial action will complement herbs such as Oregon grape root and grapefruit seed extract.


Recent studies have shown licorice to be an effective herb to use in adrenal exhaustion, producing fairly quick results.

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