Hemp Seed Oil
Hemp is quite simply a miracle plant that has survived mankind's assault on nature. Thought to be of Asian origin, the hemp (Cannabis Sativa) plant has reached around the globe. The earliest texts describing hemp and its health benefits are the Egyptian Ebers papyrus dating back thousands of years. In ancient Indian and Chinese medicine hemp's broad applications were described, including "increased chi, slowed ageing, stimulate and enhance the circulation helping to overcome obstructions to blood flow and restore the arteries and veins. It helps treat the paralysis and neurological impairment due to stroke. Milk flow is increased in nursing mothers and if the hair is washed with the oil, its growth accelerates."
The supreme nutritional benefits of hemp seed oil are mainly due to the perfect ratio of omega 6 and 3 fatty acids. These long chain unsaturated fats provide various benefits including; cell membrane fluidity, normal cell growth and maturation, brain development, prostaglandin production, cardiovascular health, nerve cell (myelin sheath) maintenance, and a healthy immune response.
Research data suggests that body requirements are such that an optimum ratio for human health is in the region of 3-5:1 respectively, omega 6 to omega 3. In most cells the ratio is at this level, and this is likely to have meaning for cell and tissue homeostasis.
Hemp seed oil is the only oil to fulfill this profile as it contains a ratio of 3:1 omega 6 to omega 3 fatty acids. Hemp also contains substantial amounts of GLA, which is the only edible seed to do so. This makes it particularly beneficial as an alternative to other GLA rich sources such as starflower (borage) or evening primrose oil.
At the end of the 19th Century, the ratio of omega 6 to omega 3 in the average diet was approximately 2:1 to 4:1. Studies in western populations today suggest that our diets now range from 10:1 to 20:1. It is likely that excess refined foods, dairy foods, margarines, and a lack of whole foods have contributed to this change. Through dietary adjustment and increasing the intake of high quality oils such as hemp seed oil, we can improve cellular health and help maximize our potential for long-term vitality.
- HORMONAL BALANCE - Hemp is the only edible seed containing GLA thus it makes a suitable choice in PMS conditions. The fatty acid profile of hemp makes it more suitable than GLA for long term use. The magnesium rich chlorophyll contained in hemp seed oil is also beneficial in PMS conditions.
- CARDIOVASCULAR TONIC - Hemp is more dominant in the omega 6 series fatty acids (3:1 ratio of 6s to 3s) but is highly beneficial in maintaining cardiovascular health. Omega 3 oils have been shown in hundreds of studies to lower triglycerides and cholesterol levels. The omega 3 fatty acids in hemp are effective in decreasing blood pressure, platelet stickiness and in decreasing fibrinogen levels a key marker in atheroslerosis. Research has found that for every 1 percent increase in alpha-linolenic acid (omega 3) content there was a decrease of 5mm Hg in the systolic, diastolic, and mean blood pressure (Berry and Hirsch 1986).
- ANTI-INFLAMMATORY/ALLERGIC - The omega 3 fatty acids help produce prostaglandin 3 series (PG3), the anti-inflammatory chemicals that work as local hormones in the body. Numerous clinical studies have shown good results in using Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) in the treatment of many chronic allergic and inflammatory diseases e.g. eczema, psoriasis, lupus and ulcerative colitis.
- ANTI-ARTHRITIC - Hemp seed oil provides the key fatty acids for long term support and maintenance of arthritic conditions including rheumatoid arthritis
- METABOLISM ENHANCEMENT - EFAs have been shown to link with oxygen and enhance electron transport, key activities in energy output within the cell.
- NERVE FUNCTION - EFAs are required for healthy cell membrane structures, particularly in nerve cells as they are required for the myelin sheath (insulation around the nerve cell).
- BRAIN DEVELOPMENT - In children, EFAs (DHA specifically) are required for brain development
- SKIN HEALTH - Hemp seed oil provides the fatty acids necessary for maintaining healthy and flexible cell membranes as well as exerting anti-viral, anti-fungal, and anti-bacterial properties.
- IMMUNE ENHANCEMENT - EFAs have been found to enhance immune function, speed up the rate of immune reactions, help re-establish population control over intestinal bacteria, and enable improved cellular energy for removing waste materials.
- PHYSICAL PERFORMANCE - The omega 3 fatty acids help support the cardiovascular system and also reduce the negative effect on the immune system caused by intense exercise.
5-15ml - Higher levels can be used under the guidance of a health practitioner. The ratio of fatty acids in hemp seed oil is the most suitable for long-term consumption.
Potential applications
Hypertension, atherosclerosis, elevated cholesterol/triglycerides, allergies, eczema, psoriasis, rheumatoid/osteoarthritis, auto-immune disorders, fatigue, multiple sclerosis, learning difficulties, ADHD, acne, dry skin, dandruff, infections, candida, sports nutrition (particularly endurance).
Known contraindications
None known.
Use in conjunction with
Hemp seed oil links well with dong quai, magnesium, vitamin B6, and a multi-vitamin/mineral in PMS cases.
Hemp seed oil would appear best taken with other food as research reveals that protein and fats work together.
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