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Dong Quai

Angelica sinensis

In Asia, angelica's reputation is perhaps second only to ginseng. Angelica is generally regarded as a 'female' remedy, used in such conditions as dysmenorrhoea, amenorrhoea, metorrhagia, and menopausal symptoms. Angelica is also used in the treatment of abdominal pain, anemia, injuries, arthritis, migraine headache, and many other conditions.


100-500mg standardised extract or 1-2g of powdered root daily. Best taken with food.

Potential applications

Dysmenorrhoea (painful menstruation), amenorrhoea (lack of menstruation), metorrhagia (too frequent menstruation), PMS, uterine bleeding, menopause, food/respiratory/skin allergies, anemia, relieves constipation by lubricating the bowels, infertility. Has been shown to be useful in abnormal protein metabolism due to chronic hepatitis or hepatic cirrhosis. Overall female tonic.

Known contraindications

Not recommended for use during pregnancy (particularly the first trimester) and lactation, or those with diarrhoea caused by weak digestion, haemorrhagic disease, bleeding tendency or very heavy periods.


Not recommended in patients receiving warfarin treatment. Caution suggested in those on hypertensive medication.

Use in conjunction with

  • PMS -agnus castus, magnesium and vitamin B6, hemp seed oil, 'high-five' multi-vitamin and mineral
  • Allergy - quercetin complex, flax seed oil, coleus forskholii, ester C, antioxidants
  • Menopause - black cohosh, hemp seed oil, calcium / magnesium / boron, trace minerals, 'high-five' multi-vitamin and mineral


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