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Devil's Claw

Harpagophytum procumbens

Devil's Claw is native to the savannah of the Kalahari of South Africa, Namibia, and Botswana and has been wildcrafted and imported into the Europe since 1953. Historically the herb has been used for its purgative action, as a bitter tonic for digestive disturbances and for febrile illnesses, allergic reactions and migraine. Devil's claw has been widely used in Europe as a treatment for arthritis.


400mg one to three times daily. No restriction on long term use. Best taken between meals when stomach acid is at the lowest point, as interaction with HCL may reduce anti-inflammatory effects of the herb.

Potential applications

Inflammation, digestive disturbances, loss of appetite, febrile illness, allergic reactions, and to relieve pain. Cardiac arrhythmias.

Known contraindications

Since devil's claw promotes the secretion of stomach acid, anyone with gastric or duodenal ulcers, heartburn, gastritis, or excessive stomach acid should not use the herb. Additionally, people with gallstones should consult a physician before taking devil's claw.


None known. Mild intestinal disturbances may occur in sensitive individuals, especially at higher dosage levels.

Use in conjunction with

  • Arthritis - glucosamine, flax seed oil, grape seed/pycnogenol, antioxidant complex


In folk medicine, Devil's Claw is used as an ointment for skin injuries and disorders.


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