Rheumatoid Arthritis
I take note in your article on potassium that you fail to mention rheumatoid arthritis. Potassium is always low in the cell fluid of arthritics and low in the serum according to the NHANES survey. I suspect that this is the most important symptom during rheumatoid arthritis, and is responsible for most of the other symptoms. Perhaps I can persuade you to include a discussion of rheumatoid arthritis in future revisions. If so, you may feel free to use information from a series of articles without concern about copyright starting at; http://members.tripod.com/~charles_W/arthritis.html. You may also see a summary of this concept at; http://members.tripod.com/~charles_W/potassium.html.
Charles Weber
Thanks so much for your comments and for these weblinks. I'm sure that many organicfoodee.com readers will benefit from this information.
Best wishes
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