The Organic Movement
Your site is great! I am new to organics, but feel this is easiest way for me to contribute by doing whatever I can in the organic movement. I am presently marketing organic food in Kolkata and plan to do a lot more within my resources. Please guide me! I am really overwhelmed. I am lucky to have come across someone like you! You are magnificient and so inspiring!
God bless you!
Dibendu Ghosh
IMG Organics
Dear Dibendu
It is so inspiring to me to receive emails from people doing their very best to grow awareness about organic food around the world. It's incredible that we're able to connect like this despite the thousands of miles between us. All I am able to offer in terms of guidance is keep doing what you're doing in Kolkata. India is one of the leading organic farming countries in the world, with in depth knowledge of farming techniques, organic food in relation to health, and also one of the world's great culinary traditions.
I wish you every success with your venture.
Kindest regards
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