New London Restaurant

Dear Cristina

How exciting!! Joachim Splichal and Alice Waters epitomise all that's wonderful about Californian cuisine. To have a restaurant in London inspired by their culinary principles will be an absolute gem.

I suppose you could start trying to contact suppliers using our Where to Shop guide, but it really lists consumer retailers. I'd probably search the internet for wholesalers in your area, particularly for fresh daily goods. You could try the Organic Delivery Company for fresh produce as they deliver throughout London. And contact the Soil Association for details about their members, plus information about Organic Catering Certification Standards, an area of discussion and debate at the moment.

As for promotional ideas, you should really start with Time Out, as with all new restaurants. Of course, I'm sure we'd be delighted to dine with you and write about the experience... and there's always my fellow members at the Guild of Food Writers at

Very best of luck

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