Organic food on a budget
I have just discovered your web site, I would just like to
congratulate you on how informative all your articles are, and how
easy it is to navigate your site. I have two small children and
like to buy organic food as much as I can within our food budget,
it was interesting to read why organic food cost more. Great site
keep up the good work.
Lucy Parrott
Hi Lucy
It's always so nice when we receive lovely emails like yours! Glad you're finding us informative.
If you're finding you need to pinpoint specific things to buy organic for your family due to budgeting, I suggest always getting organic animal products like milk and eggs. So much better than non-organic animal things in terms of health, flavour and animal welfare.
On the fruit and vegetables front, delicate fresh produce is more likely to be attacked by insects than hardier ones. So always choose organic delicate crops like lettuce, strawberries and raspberries. Also produce with a high water content needs to be organic, as if it's not, the water could well be laced with petrochemicals. So cucumbers, watermelons and carrots should be prioritised as organic. And I'd choose organic potatoes if possible, as they're not treated with fungicides, usually have tons more vitamins and flavour, and only cost a bit more.
Hope this helps!
Best wishes
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