I live in north East Fife, in Scotland and was brought up on raw “green top” unpasteurised milk, as it was, as nature intended.
When this was banned in Scotland, I turned to ordinary pasteurised milk, but now, all milk, even organic, seems to be homogenised – but I read that in Australia, this type of milk treatment has raised health issues, mostly do with heart health.
Is there any organic producer that only pasteurises, but does not homogenise their milk? I used to be able to buy Rachael’s Dairy whole unhomogenised milk locally, but it is no longer available. I now buy Yeo Valley, but even that is homogenised!
Can you help?
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I don’t trust homogenized milk. Homogenization is purely a cosmetic treatment. It means the milk is squeezed under high pressure through a tiny tube to break down the fats. This make sure the cream doesn’t separate from the rest of the milk, meaning the plastic bottle doesn’t have an unsightly layer of cream when you open it up.
It’s a completely unnecessary processing treatment that I don’t really like. I’d prefer to just shake the bottle.
There isn’t a large dairy company offering non-homogenized organic milk in the UK, USA or any other industrialized nation. I remember Rachel’s Dairy used to offer it in the UK, but since they were bought out by Horizon Dairy they’ve not produced it.
In the UK, there’s a small brand named Manor Farm Dairies, and they offer the most delicious and natural un-homogenized milks, including full cream (whole milk) and skimmed (non-fat).
They don’t have a website, but you can call them on +44 (0)1664 424772 to find out your nearest store. That said, I have no idea if they deliver as far as Scotland, as they’re based in Leicestershire… but they might know a man who can.
For American readers, I suggest you try your local farmer’s market, as some now have a raw dairy stand where you can buy totally raw and untreated milk, exactly as it was when it came out of the udder.
For East Coast readers, I strongly recommend you try any Amish milk products. Based in Pennsylvania, Amish farmers raise their cows, sheep and goats on pure organic grass-fed diets, and the milk they produce is rich and creamy. They never treat their milk, it’s never pasteurized, and the cheeses, cream and yogurts are simply incredible. Amish cottage cheese is completely delicious, and their keffir and yogurts are teaming with good bugs as well as temptingly smooth and tangy.
My very favorite organic and raw dairy producer in California is Organic Pastures. They deliver all over California, but don’t send outside of the state. Certainly not all the way to Scotland…
Posted by Ysanne on 22nd April 2009 at 9:58 pm | Permalink