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Cherry Pie (and how to pit cherries)

Cherry Pie

July 4th is prime pie time, and this summer’s fruit has to be the dark red cherry. Rainer cherries are sweet and delicious, but the darker the red, the more sensual the pie.

So here’s my cherry pitting tip. Take a frosting tip, the kind of tiny metal cone that’s used to frost cupcakes, and sit it on a non-porous cutting board. Not a wooden board, because it will stain forever, but a glass, marble or plastic board.

Remove the stems from the cherries, and wash them. Then place each one, stem side down, above the point, and push down. Out comes the pit, very easily for the very ripe ones, but still pretty quickly for the firmer ones. It’ll take about 10 minutes to pit a whole pound of cherries, which is the perfect amount of fruit to bake a classic 9″ pie.

You’re welcome!

xo Ysanne

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