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Raw Food Course on 10-14 March

Exciting news for readers in the UK and Europe! Raw food guru Kate Magic is generously offering OrganicFoodee readers a special discount price for her legendary Raw Food Course!

It starts on Sunday 10th March, and runs until Thursday 14th March, 2013.

You will learn how to prepare amazingly delicious, healthy raw food from 12 until 5 p.m. daily, including main meals, kelp noodles, sushi, salads, green juice, smoothies, seed milks, green powders, sea vegetables, breads, crackers, mayonnaise, sauces, relishes, kale chips, chocolate, Irish moss and chia seed desserts, and the most delicious and delicately-textured biscuits and cakes you’ve ever tasted!

You will discover exactly how you can eat vibrant living foods on a tight budget, and which equipment and special ingredients are the best value for money, as well as the best for your family’s health.

You will come away from this course with a deeper understanding of everything raw, whether you’re totally new to this way of eating, or if you’ve been eating raw foods for decades.

Kate Magic is the UK’s best selling author of raw food books, including her most recent book, Raw Magic. She’s a single parent mother of three strong, healthy boys aged between 7 and 15, all of whom have been raised as raw vegans. All of them are happy, well-integrated with other kids their age from non-raw families, and none of them are restricted from eating non-raw foods if they want. They simply love eating this way because Kate knows what she’s doing, and she knows how to do it on a budget!

Also included in the course are optional morning activities from 9.30-11 led by her team of lovely assistants. The morning sessions include yoga, massage and meditation classes. And every evening, there’s the opportunity to visit a different raw vegan restaurant with the group, an optional additional fun activity.

The course is held in a beautiful restored 17th century house in Copenhagen, called The Human Being Centre. Flights from London to Copenhagen start from £36 each way with Easy Jet and SAS, and accommodation is only £27 per night in a shared room in this gorgeous, central location.

Mention OrganicFoodee when you book, and you get 10% off the course price, plus 10% off ingredients and equipment on Kate’s raw food website from the moment you book, and for a whole month after the course, including Excalibur dehydrators and Omniblend blenders!

Everyone who completes the course satisfactorily will receive a certificate from Kate and Raw Living which can be used to start teaching classes or offering catering services yourself. You also receive the exclusive course manual, worth £10, and your own beautiful Raw Magic apron, worth £15. All course attendees get a free month’s subscription to Kate’s Magic Bubble, too, which is her raw food magazine. All in all, this is a fantastic offer. You could easily stock up on enough superfoods to offset the cost of the course itself!

The full price for the course is £355 (3255 Dkr). The price for two people booking together is £325 (2955 Dkr) each.

However, with your special OrganicFoodee discount, the full price for one person is reduced to £320, or just £293 each for two people.

Contact [email protected] now to book your place, and don’t forget to mention OrganicFoodee to get your discount!

Go on, treat yourself! You might just change your life…

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