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Pasta is easy!


Okay, rolling out pasta dough is far from easy unless you use a special pasta rolling machine. While these gadgets are not very hard to find or expensive, most people don’t plan to make pasta from scratch often enough to warrant getting one. So how else can you approach making pasta from scratch while not purchasing the rolling machine?

Pizzoccheri – this is the answer! Made with a combination of buckwheat flour and durum wheat flour, this Northern Italian pasta is really easy to roll out using a wood rolling pin. The softness of the buckwheat dough means there’s really no need for a pasta rolling machine or other fancy gadgets. Simply flour your countertop and roll out the dough, and you’re halfway towards a superbly gourmet homemade dinner.

What’s more, buckwheat is almost always organic, even when it’s not written on the pack. This is because buckwheat bizarrely grows better WITHOUT chemical fertilizers. A rare crop. Buckwheat prefers the harshest growing environments and poorest soils, and simply doesn’t grow very well if you treat it to fertilizers. So you can feel confident your pizzoccheri are full of natural goodness, with minimal chemical inputs.

Here’s how you do it… Take 1 1/2 cup of buckwheat flour, and 1 cup of durum wheat flour. In a bowl, add 1 cup of water, little by little, squelching and kneading as you go. Keep kneading in the bowl for at least ten minutes, then leave the dough to rest, covered in a recycled plastic bag. Then, flour the counter and rolling pin, and roll to about 3mm thick. Cut into 1/2 inch tagliatele-style strips, then chop down into shorter strip. Boil and serve with a sauce of your choice, or the traditional way… boiled with potatoes, and cabbage, then doused in melted butter, fried garlic, porcini, fresh sage, and creamy semi-melted fontina cheese.

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