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aloe leaves at Rainbow Grocery

I’m in a quandry. I love Superfoods. But I don’t love Superfoodmiles. Goji berries are so rich and delicious. Cacao nibs are full of sexy zest for life. Hawaiian spirulina is by far the purest and deepest green vegetable. I was a big fan of these foods a few years ago when they were radically new to the industrial world, and deeply needed. These emerging foods are full of nutrients so lacking in processed foods, and even many organic foods grown in denatured over-farmed soils. Peruvian maca is a potentially important addition to the diets of adults experiencing hormonal inbalances, and Brazilian Suma root takes care of practically everything else. Himalayan rose salt contains a fabulously wide spectrum of minerals, from which many Westerners like us are deficient. But these foods are being flown in from far, far away… It’s the balance of looking after our own interests and looking after the planet’s interests, which of course are the same thing.

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