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Real Food Daily

real food daily

It’s a new year, and that means we all get to eat good organic stuff again.

Gone are the mince pies and cakes, the endless gourmet gourging, the universal over-eating of mid-winter.

Instead, we are free again to choose to indulge or abstain, whichever seems more pleasing to us, without the cultural pressure to steadily indulge, indulge, indulge.

To celebrate, I made a visit to Real Food Daily, one of the world’s truly great vegan restaurants. I chose their signature dish, named Real Food Daily, along with the house dressing.

Perfectly cooked organic short grain brown rice and butter beans; a huge mound of succulent steamed kale; a lovely medley of carrots, red onions and courgettes;a big ‘al dente’ wedge of kabocha squash; a creamy vegan cabbage slaw; a tiny sliver of pink pickled shiso sushi ginger; and a truly delicious helping of sesame-sprinkled sea vegetables, including arame and hijiki.

Feeling inspired?… Well, you could go to the two restaurants in Los Angeles if you’re in the area, or if not, check out their simple cook book. So satisfying…


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